Saturday, 5 March 2011

'Stop, Look, Listen, Think'

This week Year 1 and 2 had Mrs Cray from the Redbridge Road Safety team visit to talk to the children about how to keep safe on the roads. We enjoyed acting out the different vehicles and thinking about how to cross the road safely. We learnt how important the words 'Stop, Look, Listen, Think' are when we are crossing the road.

In Numeracy we have been thinking about measuring. We learnt about the difference between standard and non-standard measures and how to estimate and measure accurately. We looked at an investigation into 'Do taller people have bigger hands?' and found out that they don't.

In Literacy we have been looking at the book, 'Bob's best ever friend' We created a new friend for Bob thinking about what makes a good descriptive piece of writing. The children may have told you about the alien spaceship that landed in the playground, yet we are still to find the alien so he may still be in the school somewhere!

Next week we are all looking forward to mental maths week and getting better at our number skills.

Homework this week is Literacy, due in Wednesday. Children have also taken their road safety competitions home to complete.

Mr. Merchant

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