Sunday, 13 March 2011

Amazing Work!

On Monday Mrs Crouch from Chigwell Infants School came in to work with some of us in the forest. We had great fun finding hidden cards, playing the 'Wake the dragon' game and building a house for a rat! The children who didn't get a chance to take part in the session will have their session this week.

In Literacy we worked extremely hard with our Reading and Writing assessments :-)

In Numeracy we enjoyed mental maths week and reminded ourselves of Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100, Odd and Even numbers, Ordering numbers and Right angles.

In P.E we finished and performed our jump and travel sequences and performed them to the rest of the group. We spoke about what was good about our sequences and how we could improve them.

We are all looking forward to Olympic week next week. Please ensure that children have their P.E kit in school each day and bring 1 pound to come dressed as a sporting hero on Friday.

Mr. Merchant

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