Sunday, 10 April 2011

Easter is here!

Easter is here and we say goodbye to our Explorers topic. What a lot we have all learnt this term! We have all been working really hard. Please find below details of the homework for the Easter period. During the Summer term we will be looking at the topic the 'Sensational Seaside' which explores the differences between seaside holidays now and in the past. We will be using the text Katie Morag to look at what an island is and exploring how where we live is different from where Katie Morag lives on the isle of Struay.

We are back to school on Tuesday 26th April at the usual time. Have a lovely Easter break everyone! Mr. Merchant

Year 2 Easter Homework

Due in Wednesday April 27th Please


Your Literacy homework is to keep a diary for one week of the Easter holidays. You can write about what you did, who you saw, how you felt etc. Remember to use all of the things that we have been talking about that make your writing exciting!

Full stops and capital letters

Different connecting words

Different ways of starting your sentences (sentence openers)

Adjectives (describing words) and ‘WOW’ words

Different punctuation (commas in lists, question marks, exclamation marks)

Neat handwriting

Use your sounds/keywords to help with your spellings.

You can also include pictures and photographs if you want to.

This work can be done in your green homework books or you can use your own book if you wish.


Please continue to learn your 2, 5 and 10 times tables and the related division facts

e.g. 2 x 5 = 10 so 10 divided 5 would be 2.

Can you remember the other words that mean the same as multiply?

Can you remember the other words that mean the same as divide?


Next term our topic (as part of the Creative Curriculum) will be ‘The Sensational Seaside!’ If you get a chance please visit the library / look on the Internet to try and find out how Seaside holidays in the past were different to Seaside holidays nowadays.

Have a lovely Easter break.

The Year 2 Team (Mr. Merchant, Miss Porter, Miss Harris, Mrs Simons, Mr King)

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