Friday, 5 March 2010

Bob's best ever friend and Gymnastics!

On Tuesday, 7 children from Years 1 and 2 took part in a gymnastics competition which was held at Redbridge sports centre. We done really well and all the children who took part had a great time. (Please see photo of us above!)

In Literacy we have been looking at the follow-up book to 'The man on the moon' called 'Bob's best ever friend.' We had news that Bob's new best friend had, had to go away to Pluto for a while so we had to make up a new best friend for him. We all really enjoyed acting out being his new best friend and then writing out descriptions of him.

In Numeracy we have been looking at collecting data using a tally chart and then turning it into information using a block chart and a bar chart. We also had a go at answering some data handling problems such as how many more people liked red than yellow, how many fewer people liked red than blue and who would find this information useful.

Click here to find a link to what your child needs to know about Data handling at this stage in the year.

We worked really hard and are looking forward to having an extra day off on Monday!

Have a nice long weekend and see you Tuesday.

Mr. Merchant and 2M

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