Friday, 30 April 2010

Into The Forest

In year 2 this week we are looking at a book called Into The Forest, we read the story then in our literacy books we made a mind map about it. There was a little boy he woke up in a thunderstorm and couldn't find his dad, next day the boy was on the way to his grandmas house but he took the short way that lead him through the forest, in the end he found his dad in his grandmas house and they all had some cakes. We wrote up the story in our books and we showed them in good works.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Into The Forest

In year 2 this week, we have been looking at a book called 'Into The Forest',the author was Anthony Browne. Its about a little boy and he was looking for his father. In class some people enjoyed the book and some people thought it was boring. In the book we were looking for pictures to write about.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Road Safety

This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Redbridge Road Safety Team. They spoke to us about how to cross the road safely and answered lots of our questions. We also had some Easter fun making Easter cards and eating mini eggs!

On behalf of the Year 2 team I wish everyone a happy Easter and look forward to seeing you back and feeling refreshed on Monday 19th April.
Mr. Merchant